Ministry of Environment and Energy was decreed by the President of Maldives through the powers vested in the Constitution of Maldives. Stated below are the associated responsibilities of the Ministry.
1. Formulate policies, regulations and standards needed for the implementation of legislation related to environment, climate change, energy, water, sanitation, sewerage, and meteorology.
2. Protect the environment of the Maldives, and develop strategic action plans, action plans to promote the sustainable development and implementation of all aspects of energy, water and sewerage, and meteorology.
3. Develop concepts of projects related to the environment, climate change, energy, water, sewerage and meteorology; and acquire funds to the projects through collaboration with the related institutions; plan and manage all aspects of those projects. Establish a mechanism to maintain and provide service by allocating personnel and make arrangements to provide the service through the completed mechanism.
4. Develop monitoring guidelines and regulate projects related to environment, climate change, energy, water, sewerage and meteorology and infrastructure.
5. Manage and oversee all the components of projects exclusive of civil works. Establish a mechanism to maintain and provide service by allocating personnel and make arrangements to provide the service through the completed mechanism.
6. Carry out the following activities related to the environment, energy, water and sanitation, sewerage and meteorology:
i. Carry out the obligations of International treaties and activities related to organizations that the Maldives is party to.
ii. Develop human resources at National level.
iii. Perform the administrative functions of the Environmental Protection Council.
iv. Take initiative in planning and implementing awareness programmes at national and international level.
v. Introduce means of acquiring “innovative finance” to the Maldives.
vi. Enhance the role of the private sector, and provide resources and facilitate to them to the extent possible.
vii. Perform the administrative functions of the Advisory Committee on Energy.
7. Endeavour to make the natural environment the foundation of the national development.
8. Advocate and manage other activities related to the mitigation of the effects of climate change to the Maldives and other small island developing states, at regional and international level.
9. Develop projects to mitigate climate change, and to acquire financial assistance for this purpose from international agencies.
10. Coordinate projects conducted by relevant organizations to mitigate of climate change, and provide required assistance.
11. Formulate a sustainable development strategy to protect the environment, and execute all activities related to this strategy, plan and conduct activities proposed by the UN and other international NGOs in conjunction with relevant organizations.
12. Implement the Law number 77/78 (the law of unearthing/mining stone, rock, coral, sand from inhabited islands).
13. Advise the government and civic society on the technical and economic decisions in managing the energy sector, and producing, delivering and usage of energy.
14. Introduce, plan and manage renewable energy mechanisms to the Maldives.
15. Formulate guidelines, regulations and standards on the production, use, import, export and sale of water in the Maldives.
16. Conducting research into the available resources of water for daily life and for other purposes, and take necessary steps to introduce such resources nationally, as well as to develop and manage such resources in a sustainable manner.
17. Plan and implement activities to ensure protection and sustainable use of the water lens of the islands of Maldives.
18. Ensure the water security of the citizens of Maldives; design and implement all the components of water systems, storage facilities, and desalination plants.
19. Facilitate sanitation and waste water mechanisms; design and manage environment friendly sewerage systems in inhabited islands.
20. Plan and manage water and sanitation mechanisms; and provide technical and economic advice to the associated government authorities and the public.
21. Plan and implement policies, plan and implement a strategic plan which require to develop a competitive environment needed to extend the water and sanitation services in an affordable and convenient manner benefiting the recipients.
22. Ensure appropriate solid waste management mechanisms, and formulate the required laws and regulations.
23. Establish comprehensive facilities to dispose solid waste in throughout the Maldives; and provide assistance to the local councils in establishing a viable solid waste management system at island levels.
24. Develop and implement strategic plans to conserve the biodiversity, declare protected areas, and ensuring equal benefit of biodiversity resources.
25. The following institutions will operate under the Ministry of Environment and Energy
i. Maldives Meteorological Service
ii. Environmental Protection Agency
iii. Maldives Energy Authority
iv. Biosphere Reserve of Maalhos Madulu Dhekunuburi (Baa Atoll)