Departments 13 results

Climate Change

  • Updated on 14 Jul 2016
  • 9 staff

The Republic of Maldives’ contribution to global Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) emissions and, by extent, to the causes of climate change (CC) is negligible. Still, the country is one of the Small Island Developing States that is most vulnerable to climate change which is a cross-cutting development issue affecting every aspect … continue reading


  • Updated on 14 Jul 2016
  • 9 staff

The energy department is in charge of formulating policies related to the energy sector in line with the legislative framework of the Republic of Maldives. It strengthens international cooperation to boost both investment and know-how in the sector and is committed to raise awareness on energy resources and consumption. The … continue reading


  • Updated on 14 Jul 2016
  • 14 staff

Established in 1984, the core duty of the environment department is to preserve the Maldives’ unique natural habitat. The department advises the government on laws and regulations, adopts policies, and implement environment-related strategies.. The division comprises of two sections – Policy Planning and International Relations and Environmental Conservation and Assessment. … continue reading


  • Updated on 22 Oct 2023
  • 4 staff

Waste Management and Pollution Control

  • Updated on 14 Jul 2016
  • 9 staff

The waste management and pollution control department is in charge of providing safe waste disposal and seeking cost-effective and environmentally-responsible measure to implement waste management and pollution control projects on all inhabited islands in line with the government manifesto. The department is also in charge of drafting national strategies and action … continue reading

Water and Sanitation

  • Updated on 14 Jul 2016
  • 7 staff

The Water and Sanitation Department pursue the Ministry’s mandatory function to provide safe water and sustainable, affordable, and environmentally-friendly sewerage systems in the Maldives. The department is tasked with developing policies and regulations, facilitating and coordinating the mobilization and use of resources for water and sewage systems. The department provides … continue reading