Eliminating Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) through the Sound Management of Chemicals is a five-year project implemented by the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and supported by United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
The project aims to reduce the risks of POPs on human health and the environment through strengthening of the institutional capacity, and the enhancing of policy and regulatory framework for the environmentally sound management (ESM) and disposal of hazardous chemicals with focus on POPs. The project will develop sustainable systems for the sound collection, labeling, storage, and disposal of hazardous POPs chemicals and waste.
Project Components:
- Component 1: Strengthening the regulatory and policy framework and institutional and technical capacity for the sound management and disposal of POPs, chemicals and wastes.
- Component 2: Establishing systems for the sound collection, labeling, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals and wastes.
- Component 3: Monitoring and learning, adaptive feedback, outreach and evaluation.
VESHI SGP by the POPs project
to achieve the objective of the POPs project, by introducing Best Environmental Practices (BEP) and Best Available Techniques (BAT) to reduce unintentional release of POPs to the environment from the waste management sector, seven projects under the Valuing the Environment through Sustainable and Holistic Initiatives (VESHI) Small Grant Program (SGP) was awarded in December 2023. This grant scheme was developed to fund local projects to introduce alternatives to hazardous chemicals and products and hazardous waste management in a sustainable manner with the involvement of the public.