
The Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization and Diversification (DMADD) Project

27 Apr 2023


The Government Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023 outlines an ambitious agenda for digital development as a key step towards economic diversification. The Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization and Diversification (DMADD) Project (P177040), aims to support the Maldives in its digital transformation.

The DMADD project is funded by a grant from the World Bank and will be led by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology (MoECCT) and implemented by the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT). Key beneficiaries include the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT), Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM) and the Department of National Registration (DNR).



The proposed Project aims to support the use of digital technologies to decentralize, diversify and to adapt to climate change. The project objective is to enhance the enabling environment for the digital economy in Maldives, to improve identification for in-person and remote service delivery, and to leverage data and analytics for a green, resilient, and inclusive development. It is designed around four components and the proposed activities are conceived following the country’s priorities and funding needs in the medium term.


Key Project Components

  1. Enabling environment for improved digital connectivity and competitiveness.
  2. Digital identification for improved online and in-person service delivery.
  3. Digital technologies and data platform for climate resilience; and
  4. Project management and implementation support.


Project objectives

The project will assist the government in laying the legal and regulatory foundations for the digital economy and the provision of digital services, fostering the growth of high-quality and reasonably priced Internet services, and fostering trust in digital transactions and service delivery. Hence, The project will fund technical assistance to strengthen legal and regulatory frameworks in such areas as data protection, cybersecurity and cybercrime, electronic transactions, identification, and provide support for their operationalization through enhancing institutional capacity and developing pertinent roadmaps, strategies, and other tools and guidance.


Project Stakeholders

  1. Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology
  2. Department of National Registrations
  3. The National Centre for Information Technology
  4. Communications Authority of Maldives



Project Timeline

29 May 2024

"eFaas" presented at the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States

The Maldives took a significant leap towards digital inclusivity at the “Smart Maldives: Journey towards a digitally inclusive community” side-event, held during the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4). Mr. Hany Nasyr, the Head of Software Development, was at the forefront, unveiling the “eFaas” application—a testament to the Maldives’ digital evolution.

Mr. Nasyr’s presentation highlighted the eFaas app as a pivotal element in the Maldives’ journey towards digitalization, providing citizens with efficient access to government services and reinforcing the nation’s resolve to integrate technology for the greater good.

In conjunction with these efforts, the DMADD project is propelling the eFaas system to new heights with significant enhancements. The project’s contribution to the Smart Maldives event was a key factor in the successful representation of the Maldives at the international conference, emphasizing the country’s ambition to build a smart, digitally inclusive society.

29 Apr 2024

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed participates at the Intelligent APAC Congress 2024.

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager of the D'MADD Project shared insights on the Maldives’ digital journey and effort towards digital development and improving digital services at the Intelligent APAC Congress 2024.

24 Apr 2024

DMADD project participates in the Country Climate and Development consultation workshop

The project's Communications Specialist Ahmed Haleem, participated at stakeholder consultation meeting regarding the development of the Country Climate and Development Report held by
the Ministry and the World Bank.

04 Mar 2024

The World Bank’s Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR) spotlighted the “Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization and Diversification” project.

The World Bank’s Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR) spotlighted the “Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization and Diversification” project. The meeting brought together key stakeholders to discuss the project’s progress and issues and outline measures for enhancing project monitoring.

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager of the DMADD project, presented the project's timeline since the formulation of the PMU, highlighting the most immediate progress of the different components.

Among the discussions was the need to build synergy among various digital development initiatives of government organisations. Special attention was given to the digital identification component, which is seen as a cornerstone for integrating services and improving governance.

The meeting also addressed the critical support required for the project's advancement, including submitting the Data Privacy Bill to parliament, which is a vital disbursement condition. The Ministry of Finance was called upon to play a role in facilitating this process.

The meeting underscored the necessity for project restructuring in light of the recent shift of the technology mandate to the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology. This strategic move will align the project closely with the current government's technological innovation goals.

The CPPR meeting concluded with a commitment to continuous support for the DMADD project, recognising its potential to catalyse the country’s adaptation, decentralization, and diversification through digital means. The World Bank reaffirmed its dedication to assisting the Maldives in navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by the digital era.

Ms. Chiyo Kanda (Country Manager for Maldives and Sri Lanka), Mr. Asela Dissanayake (Senior Operations Officer), Ms. Roshni De Silva (Operations Analyst), Ms.Heenaben Yatin Doshi (Senior Procurement Specialist) Mr. Ibrahim Rishad (Operations Officer)
Aminath Thuga Shahid (Team Assistant) represented the World Bank.

D’MADD team was led by the Project Manager, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed. With Mr. Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist, and Ms. Fathimath Shafa, Project Officer. The co-team task leaders, Mr Jerome Bezzina and Ms. Anna Metz, also attended virtually.

Mr. Hussain Sham Adam (Minister of State for Finance), Ms. Aishath Nashath (Resource Mobilization Executive) and Ms. Mariyam Hamdha (Assistant Resource Mobilization Executive) represented the Ministry of Finance and Treasury

27 Feb 2024

The World Bank mission wrap-up meeting was held with the Ministry of Finance and the Stakeholder agencies.

The World Bank mission team concluded its mission to the Maldives with the wrap-up meeting for the @DMADDmv project held at the Ministry of Finance.

Co-task team leaders Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Ms. Anna Metz, the Digital Development Specialist, presented the findings to Finance Ministry officials. Further issues to be addressed and the new direction as per the new government to be included during the restructuring were discussed in the meeting.

Mr. Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist, and Ms. Fathimath Shafa, Project Officer, participated from the D’MADD team led by the Project Manager, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed. Mr. Ibrahim Rishad, Country Operations Officer, also attended from the World Bank Maldives Office.

Mr. Mohamed Yammai (Chief Resource Mobilization Executive) and Ms. Mariyam Hamdha (Assistant Resource Mobilization Executive) represented the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Ajwad Musthafa (Permanent Secretary) from the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy and Ilyas Ahmed (Chief Executive) of the Communications Authority of Maldives participated in the meeting, representing the specific stakeholders.

27 Feb 2024

Worldbank Mission team holds discussion with the Communications Authority of Maldives.

The WorldBank mission for the DMADD project convenes discussions with officials of CAM to realign the project with the current government to establish an Enabling Environment for Improved Digital Connectivity and Competitiveness. The team comprises co-task team leaders Mr Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Ms Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, who met with the Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM) management team. The Chief Executive Ilyas Ahmed and Deputy Director Ms. Zuleyha Ibrahim led the CAM team.

This is the team's first mission after the new administration took over. Hence, the mission's primary focus is to align the project with the new Government’s digital goals, particularly CAM's new policy objectives. Furthermore, it was also decided to update the project's results framework per the new government's policies.

Mr. Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist, and Ms. Fathimath Shafa, Project Officer, participated from the D’MADD team led by the Project Manager, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed.

26 Feb 2024

The World Mission meets with the Maldives Marine Research Institute

The visiting World Bank Mission for the DMADD project meets with officials Maldives Marine Research Institute officials of the Maldives Marine Research Institute. Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specia Mr Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Task Team leader and Ms Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, along with DMADD Project Manager Dr Ibrahim Waheed, Mr Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms lis and Task Team leader and Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, along with DMADD Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms. Fathimath Shafa (Project Officer) participated in the meeting.

MMRI was represented by Ms. Shafiya Naeem (Director General), Ms. Khadheeja Ali (Senior Research Officer). The subject of discussion was mainly focused on building the Climate Data Platform and how the MMRI can contribute to the platform. the MMRI team was briefed about the Passive Acoustic Monitoring pilot the DMADD project was conceptualising.

At the outset of the meeting, MMRI agreed to follow up on the request by the World Bank to explore a partnership to train an AI model using oceanic data from the Maldives focused on protecting the reef systems.

26 Feb 2024

World Bank mission meets with the Department of National Registration.

The WorldBank mission for the DMADD project convenes discussions with officials of DNR Department of National Registration (DNR) management team, to realign the project with the the current government for establishing a robust national identity system. The team consisting of Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialis and Task Team leader and Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, met with the management team of the Department of National Registration (DNR). The DNR team was led by the Deputy Minister Mohamed Aly, along with Director General Mohamed Riznee and Mohamed Umair, Director -ICT.

This is the first mission of the team, after the new administration took over. Hence, major focus of the mission is to align the project with the new Government’s digital goals particularly DNRs new policy objectives to establish a robust CRSVID system. The teams discussed how D’MADD project can restructure to the changes.

The DNR team shared their plans including the new laws they are currently working on. They also highlighted the issues and conflicts with the current workflow and coordination with the relevant a organizations particularly the local government authority and the local councils. They also highlighted their work for identity verification with other organisations like Police and Banks. The DNR emphasized that their current approach to improve the identity management system that can be economically feasible, rather than issuing a newly designed card with technology that cannot be maintained in the long run.

DNR also highlighted the experience they encountered while providing the services online during the COVID-19 lockdown. The system design did not address the needs of digitally illiterate, old aged or special needs people. The DNR is determined to eliminate such lapses and include inclusive designs for online service delivery.

The mission team ensured that the project will continue to proceed with the technical assistance components to conduct a high level analysis of the current system and providing required recommendations for the system design, software and hardware requirements. However, they emphasized the importance of submitting the Data Privacy Act to the parliament, which is a mandatory condition for procurement of software and hardware and requested DNR’s support in the process.

Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms. Fathimath Shafa (Project Officer) participated from the D’MADD team lead by the Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed.

25 Feb 2024

World Bank Task Team conducts mission meeting with the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy

A pivotal meeting was convened between the World Bank Mission team and the Maldives Ministry of Climate Change, Environment, and Energy (MoCCEE). This was the first meeting with the Ministry and the Project Co-Task team leaders since the governments new administration took place. The DMADD project was initially conceived under the Ministry when the technology mandate of the government was embedded within the organization.

Since then, the technology mandate has transitioned from the Ministry of Environment to the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology. Consequently, the Environment Department will serve as the focal point, representing the Ministry’s interests across multiple relevant beneficiary departments, ensuring a unified approach to environmental protection and technological advancement.

The meeting was graced by the presence of MoCCEE’s Minister, Mr. Ibrahim Thoriq; Ajwad Musthafa (Permanent Secretary); alongside key department directors Ms. Muhsina Abdul Rahman (Director - Protected Areas), Afsal Hussain (Director) representing the Water Department, Mr. Yoosuf Rilwan (Director - Environment Research and Conservation) from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Mr. Ahmed Rasheed (Director - Program Research and Advocacy) from the Maldives Meteorological Service.

The discourse centered on the transfer of knowledge and the enduring viability of the climate data platform, with a focus on computing power and post-project support. Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist, illuminated the ongoing partnership with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) for capacity building and a study tour at the KAUST Red Sea Research Centre. Additionally, the collaboration with Salford University for an early warning pilot at Fuvahmulah Island was highlighted.

Afsal Hussain brought attention to the Ministry’s electronic library, seeking technical aid to operationalize it. Minister Thoriq underscored the significance of the data platform and strategized on harmonizing access to the diverse data accumulated across various organizations.

25 Feb 2024

The World Bank mission meets with the NCITs infrastructure team

The World Bank mission met with the NCIT network and data center infrastructure teams today. The team got a greater understanding of the administrativechallenges faced by the NCIT team to acquire the pilot component of the SDWAN initiative. D'MADD Project discussed alternative approach to proceed with the task.

Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Task Team leader and Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, along with Dr. Ibrahim Waheed (Project Manager), Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Fathimath Shafa Hussain (Project Officer) participated in the meeting along with NCIT engineers.

25 Feb 2024

World Bank mission meets with Maldives Digital Identity “eFaas” Team Lead

The Task Team from the World Bank initiates the dialogue with the National Centre for Information Technology. The team consisting of Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Task Team leader and Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, met with Mr. Hany Nasir (Senior Software Developer) and Team Lead for the Maldivian Digital Identity "eFaas".

The mission team explored the progress of the efaas app and compared it to the results framework initially set up during the conceptualisation of the DMADD project. More discussions were held on updating the result framework as the numbers had surpassed the expected outcome.

The Mission inquired about the new requirements that the project can support during the restructuring as per the polices of the new Government.

24 Feb 2024

Mission Kick off meeting with the Ministry of Finance and the Stakeholder agencies.

The World Bank Mission team, led by Mr. Jerome Bezzina and Ms Anna Metz, the Co Task Team Leaders for the DMADD project and Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager for DMADD and the Team, kicked off the Mission with the Ministry of Finance. Participants from the stakeholder agencies, DNR, and CAM also attended the kickoff meeting.

24 Feb 2024

World Bank Mission Team Meeting with NCIT and the newly appointed Minister of State for Homeland Security and Technology

The Task Team from the World Bank initiates the dialogue with the National Centre for Information Technology. The team consisting of the Co-Task Team led by Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Co-Task Team leader and Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, met with the management team of NCIT. The NCIT team was led by the Minister of State for Homeland Security and Technology, Dr. Mohamed Kinaanath, with Mr. Hussain Mohamed (IT Manager, IT Infrastructure), Mr. Hany Nasir (Senior Software Developer), Ibrahim Abdul Rasheed (GDS Specialist) and Ali Shah Adam (GDS Specialist).

This is the first mission of the team, after the new administration took over. Hence, major focus of the mission is to align the project with the new Government’s digital goals particularly NCITs objectives and how the D’MADD can further assist the new development. The NCIT team expressed their visions and recommended their requirement and support they needed from the D’MADD project including some changes to the subcomponents to cater for the name. It was agreed to assign key focal point from the NCIT to work closely with the D’MADD PMU.

The Task Team invited NCIT management to join the Digital Summit of World Bank to be held from 5th March 2024. Digital leaders from South Asian Countries will be participating in the summit and will open further collaboration and opportunities for the NCIT in areas such as Digital Trust, Data Protection, Climate Change.

Ms. Shama Ahmed, Mr. Ahmed Haleem and Ms. Fathimath Shafa participated from the D’MADD team lead by the Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed.

24 Feb 2024

Mission Kick off meeting with the D’MADD Project Management Unit

The World Bank kicks off mission meetings for the DMADD project this morning. The Mission will take place from the 25th to the 29th of February 2024. The mission team consisted of Co-Task Team leader Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and Co-Task Team leader Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist.

This was the first mission of the World Bank after the new administration took over. Hence, the primary focus of the mission is to align the project with the new Government’s digital goals.

The PMU team updated the mission team on how the stakeholder offices had been restructured and the lead implementing agency for the D’MADD project.
Ms. Ahlam Abdulsattar, Ms. Shama Ahmed, Mr. Ahmed Haleem and Ms. Fathimath Shafa participated from the D’MADD team led by the Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed.

20 Jan 2024

The mission team of the World Bank’s Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change unit meets with the Minister of State, Dr. Mohamed Kinaanath.

World Bank’s Technical Assistance Mission team represented by Ms. Priyanka Dissanayake, Disaster Management Specialist from the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change unit, held discussion with the newly appointed Minister of State for Homeland Security and Technology, Dr. Mohamed Kinaanath.

Ms. Priyanka Dissanayake, serving as the climate change focal point for both the Maldives and Sri Lanka, highlighted the Unit does not have an active project for disaster and flood management in the Maldives, thus being the reason for collaboration with the DMADD team on implementing the early flood warning system pilot in Fuvahmulah City, funded under the DMADD project.

She explained similar work done with universities, to leverage on digital technology to predicting different hazards in various locations, in countries such as United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. She shared her experience in diverse disaster management initiatives, leveraging digital technologies to predict and anticipate events based on comprehensive data analysis.

As Dr. Kinaanath's main role as a state minister involves the supervision of the digital governance and development of the ICT sector of the Maldivian Government, he also emphasises the need for a mechanism to have a decision support system based on actual data. Dr. Kinaanath, inquired about the success of the system highlighted by the World Bank team.

The team further elaborated on the ongoing collaboration with the UN initiative on Early Warning for All and plans for a joint study tour between Maldives and Sri Lanka after the successful implementation of the pilot.

Dr. Kinaanath seeks more details about the system, and Priyanka explains its focus on processes, assisting local administration decisions. She suggests collaboration with NCIT and invites a separate discussion.

Ms. Priyanka proposed an online meeting to discuss collaboration with the UN initiative on Early Warning for All, highlighting the potential for knowledge exchange and scalability. Dr. Kinaanath, discusses the Ministry of Homeland Security's involvement with technology, mentioning its recent association in similar projects.

The meeting concludes with expressions of gratitude, and Ms. Priyanka expressed interest in future collaboration.

30 Nov 2023

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager, highlights the Maldives’ effort to leverage digital technologies for climate adaptation at the COP28 summit.

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager of the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralisation and Diversification (DMADD) project, attended the COP28 summit from 1st December to 12th December and took part in the discussions held at the digital innovation pavilion. Dr. Waheed briefed the audience with an insightful presentation on the Maldives Ocean Hackathon 2023, highlighting the Maldives’ effort to leverage digital technologies for climate adaptation, one of the key objectives of the DMADD project. He also outlined the other ambitious pilot projects to be implemented, which promise to transform climate adaptation measures in the island nation and set a benchmark for digital innovation in environmental resilience.

In a significant meeting, Dr Waheed accompanied the Minister of Climate Change, Environment, and Energy in discussions with Mr Xavier Castellanos, the Secretary-General for National Society Development and Operations at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The dialogue focused on potential collaboration on the United Nations’ Early Warning for All initiative, emphasising early warning systems' critical role in mitigating climate-induced disasters' impacts.

Additionally, he attended the panel discussion on "Digital Transformation on a Livable Planet" held at the World Bank Pavilion. This session underscored the imperative of integrating digital technologies in the fight against climate change, enhancing the sustainability and livability of our planet. He also participated in some of the events organised by the United Nations Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, fostering global partnerships and innovation in climate action.

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the UNFCCC took place in Dubai from November 30th to December 13th 2024, and was a hotspot of global climate action, gathering experts, policymakers, and innovators worldwide.

03 Nov 2023

DMADD Project partners with EPA to pilot digital technology in the efforts to restore Rasfari reef

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched the large-scale project to restore the Rasfari Reef, which was severely damaged by a cargo ship accident in 2021. The project will span over five years and involve various measures to rehabilitate the coral reef ecosystem.

The DMADD project is funding around US$150,000 to implement a pilot that uses Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) technology. This technology enables to collect sound samples from a healthy part of the reef as well as locations that were affected. The technology will enable to identify the species and organisms that thrives in the eco system. The technology is fairly robust and can collect data in day or night all weather conditions and in a non-human invasive manner. The technical staff of the EPA and stakeholder agencies will be trained to use the devices as well as read the data. The EPA will be presented with a database and comprehensive report that will aid in the restoration process. The pilot is expected to last over a 3 month period and expected to begin around November 2023. The pilot is part of the greater vision of the establishing a Climate Data Platform envisioned under the DMADD Project's 3rd Component.

The Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Ms Aminath Shauna in her remark, expressed the importance of Digital Technologies for aiding in the tedious tasks involved in environmental monitoring and protection.

Minister of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology, Ms. Aminath Shauna, in the inauguration of the Restore Rasfari event, emphasized the pivotal role of digital technologies in facilitating the intricate tasks associated with environmental monitoring and protection.

The Rasfari Reef, located in the Kaafu atoll, is one of the most diverse and productive reefs in the Maldives. However, it suffered extensive damage when a Panama-flagged cargo ship, MV Navios Amaryllis, ran aground on the reef in the early hours of August 19, 2021. The ship, which was carrying coal, fertilizer, and other goods, remained stuck on the reef for several days, causing further harm to the marine life.

The EPA, in collaboration with other agencies and stakeholders, has devised a comprehensive plan to restore the Rasfari Reef to its original state. The plan includes removing the debris and pollutants from the reef, transplanting healthy corals from other sites, monitoring the reef health and recovery, and raising awareness among the local communities and visitors about the importance of reef conservation.

The DMADD Project hopes that the pilot will not only help the restoration efforts of the Rasfari Reef, but also serve as a model for other reef monitoring efforts in the Maldives and beyond.

25 Oct 2023

DMADD Team Initiates Monthly Knowledge Sharing Workshops in the name of ‘ThursdayTraining’

The DMADD team has launched a series of monthly workshops in the name of ‘ThursdayTraining’ aimed at facilitating knowledge sharing among its members. The sessions are planned to conduct on the last Thursday of every month. The inaugural session held on 26th October 2023 was met with enthusiasm as team members seized the opportunity to delve into their respective fields of expertise. The primary objective of these workshops is to enhance mutual understanding and upskilling among team members, ultimately contributing to the achievement of the project's overarching goals. Participants not only shared insights related to their work but also took the chance to impart valuable experiences and life lessons that could benefit the entire team.

The workshop commenced with an insightful presentation by Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, who elaborated on the principles of success. Procurement Specialist Ms. Shama provided a comprehensive overview of the procurement process and relevant regulations, while Finance Management Specialist Ms. Ahlam shed light on the details of the payment process.

Adding a touch of enjoyment to the session, Project Officer Ms. Shafa organized a lively Knowledge Trivia game, providing a refreshing conclusion to an intellectually enriching day.

This initiative not only promotes professional growth but also strengthens the bonds within the DMADD team, setting a positive tone for collaborations and teamwork.

23 Oct 2023

Flora and Fauna International meets with DMADD team

Sophie Benbow, a marine and fisheries scientist leading the Fauna & Flora International global marine program, met with the @DMADDmv project team today to discuss areas of collaboration in biodiversity conservation work. FFI examined possibilities of future collaboration and assistance for possible continuity with the projects pitched at the Maldives Ocean Hackathon 2023.

21 Oct 2023

World Bank and the D’MADD PMU team conclude the October 2023 mission with the wrap-up meeting at the Ministry of Finance

The World Bank’s implementation and support mission for the D’MADD Project, which was a resounding success, was concluded in October 2023. The findings were then briefed to the officials of the Ministry of Finance, marking a significant milestone in our project journey.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Task Team Leader, Ms. Anna Zita Metz, the Program Officer from the World Bank and Mr. Ibrahim Rishad, the Operations Officer from the World Bank Maldives Office. Ms. Aminath Nashia, the Resource Mobilization Executive, Ms. Aishath Hamdha (Assistant Resource Mobilization Executive) and Mohamed Jilau Moosa (Finance & Resource Mobilization Specialist) from the Ministry of Finance. Mr. Ajwad Musthafa (Permanent Secretary), Dr. Ibrahim Waheed (Project Manager), Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms. Fathmath Shafa Hussain (Project Officer) represented the D’MADD Project.

The mission team highlighted the successful implementation of the Maldives Ocean Hackathon 2023. The possibility of sourcing young talent locally for related projects was mentioned in the discussion, along with the potential of using the World Bank's Trust Fund for data platforms related to climate change and data gathering. The World Bank representatives expressed the need for future collaborations with the contestants.

The PMU was invited to the COP 28 summit in December, noting that the government might be required to present the project at the event.

As a new government will take the helm, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa highlighted the need for a smooth transition during the change of administration without drastic changes to the project's scope and objectives.

Overall, the mission expressed satisfactory performance of the PMU within the short duration of its establishment.

20 Oct 2023

The World Bank Mission team and the DMADD PMU concludes a field visit to Fuvahmulah City for the implementation of the flood warning pilot.

The World Bank Mission team, led by Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Task Team Leader project and Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager for DMADD and the Team, recently concluded a four-day visit to Fuvahmulah City from October 18th to October 21st, 2023. The team, comprising Ms. Priyanka Dissanayake, Disaster Management Specialist, and Ms. Alice Soares, Hydromet Consultant, aimed to assess and advance initiatives related to climate resilience, specifically in response to the unexpected severe flooding experienced by the city since 2020.

The impetus for the visit came from the Mayor of Fuvahmulah City, Mr. Ismail Rafeeq, who had previously addressed the issue during the "Unlocking the Power of Digital Data & Technologies for Climate Resilience" workshop in December 2022. Mayor Rafeeq highlighted the unusual flooding, despite no significant change in rainfall according to nearby weather stations. He emphasized the need for an early technology warning system to enhance the community's resilience.

The pilot is focused on Component 3 of the DMADD project, which involves leveraging digital technologies for climate adaptation. 600,000 USD for the implementation of the pilot digital technology-based Floods and Storm Water Management system, as well as a water level monitoring system and an Early Warning System for Fuvahmulah City.

During the visit, the team inspected pilot project sites, surveyed the existing flood systems on Fuvahmulah Island, and familiarized themselves with the geography which will be valuable for commencing the pilot project. The goal is to utilize innovative digital technologies, tools, and analytics to enhance data collection and analysis on climate-critical ecosystems.

In addition to engaging with the project's technical aspects, the World Bank Mission held crucial meetings with Fuvahmulah City Council members and other key stakeholders. The council, represented by Mayor Ismail Rafeeq, Councilor Aishath Abdul Gadhir, and Acting Secretary General Ahmed Ibrahim, expressed concerns over the lack of usable data for effective disaster risk management at the local level.

Furthermore, the team convened with various local entities, including representatives from Fuvahmulah Nature Park, MPS (Maldives Police Service), FYSDA (Fuvahmulah Youth & Sports Development Association), Women in Fuvahmulah, and the Maldives Red Crescent. Discussions encompassed the current disaster collaboration mechanisms, with a notable emphasis on empowering women through disaster training, recognizing their pivotal role in the community when male members are away for livelihood activities such as fishing.

The field visit has opened door for positive collaborative efforts between the DMADD project and Fuvahmulah City stakeholders and underscore a commitment to building resilience against the impacts of climate change and ensuring the safety and well-being of the island's inhabitants.

17 Oct 2023

World Bank Mission and the D’MADD PMU Convene with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology team, with Environmental Protection Agency, Maldives Meteorological Service and the National Disaster Management Authority

The World Bank’s implementation and support mission for the D’MADD Project, scheduled for October 2023, met with various Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology departments regarding the climate data platform and the planned technology pilot projects to enhance resilience.

The meeting with the Maldives Environmental Protection Agency focused on the continuation of implementing a pilot project to use underwater acoustics. The pilot will work alongside the Restore Rasfari Reef project, which is planned to launch within a few weeks. The EPA will receive the technical expertise and capacity building to use the technology, thus strengthening the monitoring efforts remotely and reducing human intrusion and associated costs.

The meeting was led by Mr Jerome Bezzina (Task Team Leader), and Ms Anna Zita Metz, the (Program Officer) from the World Bank, with Dr Ibrahim Waheed ( Project Manager) and Ms Fathmath Shafa Hussain (Project Officer) representing the D’MADD Project.

Ms. Priyanka Dissanayake (Disaster Management Specialist) and Ms. Alice Soares (Hydromet Consultant) from the World Bank also joined the discussions.

The EPA team consisted of Mr. Yoosuf Rilwan (Director - Environment Research and Conservation), Mr. Riffath Naeem (Director – Technical), Mr. Ali Ahmed Didi (Computer Programmer), Mr. Hashim Nabeel (Senior Environment Analyst)

An additional meeting was held with the Ministry’s Water Department, Maldives Meteorological Service and the National Disaster Management Authority.

The organisations were represented by:

• Mohamed Musthafa / Director General – MoECCT
• Afsal Hussain / Director – MoECCT
• Sobah Rasheed / Assistant Director – MoECCT
• Afnan Ahmed / Environment Research Officer – MoECCT
• Juruath Abdulla / Strategist – MoECCT
• Hazlee Hameed / Programme Officer - MoECCT
• Ali Shareef / Deputy Director General - MMS
• Ahmed Rasheed / Director (Meteorology) - MMS

The teams discussed the Early Warning System Pilot for flood detection in Fuvahmulah City and how the project can support the enhancement of an existing portal developed by the Water Department and another such app developed by NDMA.

16 Oct 2023

World Bank Mission and the D’MADD PMU Convene with Communications Authority of Maldives

The World Bank’s implementation and support mission for the D’MADD Project, scheduled for October 2023, met with Mr. Ilyas Ahmed (Chief Executive) and MS. Zulaikha Ibrahim (Director), representing the Communications Authority of Maldives.

The D’MADD project supports CAM efforts to strengthen the monitoring of the Quality of Service of ISPs and improve regulatory frameworks for a competitive broadband market. In-depth discussions on the requirements for drafting a Terms of Reference for the consultancies were held during the meeting.

The meeting was led by Mr. Jerome Bezzina (Task Team Leader) and Ms. Anna Zita Metz, the (Program Officer) from the World Bank, with Dr. Ibrahim Waheed ( Project Manager), Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms. Fathmath Shafa Hussain (Project Officer) represented the D’MADD Project.

15 Oct 2023

World Bank mission meets with permanent secretary Mr. Ajwad Musthafa regarding the project components related to NCIT.

The World Bank’s implementation and support mission for the D’MADD Project, scheduled for October 2023, met with Mr. Ajwad Musthafa (Permanent Secretary), representing the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT), today.

The D’MADD project supports expanding the NCIT's software-defined Wide Area Network initiative. However, since the initial pilot of the initiative is being delayed, the mission explored how it can further assist the NCIT regarding the matter. Additionally, discussions were held on the project support for the restructuring of NCIT.

The meeting was led by Mr. Jerome Bezzina (Task Team Leader) and Ms. Anna Zita Metz, the (Program Officer) from the World Bank, with Dr. Ibrahim Waheed (Project Manager), Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms. Fathmath Shafa Hussain, (Project Officer) represented the D’MADD Project.

15 Oct 2023

World Bank mission meets with and DNR Officials.

The crucial implementation and support mission of the D’MADD Project, slated for October 2023, convened with the Department of National Registration (DNR) officials today, marking a significant step forward in our collaborative efforts.

In-depth discussions with DNR requirements for the foundational ID system were continued. DNR updated its current position on the new laws and plans to decentralize the services through the council. DNR highlighted its new online services with a citizen portal. It was concluded that the D’MADD project will support the system design of the civil registration system by obtaining an international consultant and providing support to do a cyber security assessment of DNR systems and infrastructure. It was agreed that the DNR will work on the TORs for the two tasks so the DMADD team can continue with the procurement.

The meeting was attended by key representatives from the Department, including Mr. Mohamed Riznee (Director General), Mr. Mohamed Umair (Director-ICT), Ms. Zulaikha Ali (Director), and Mr. Hassan Nashid (Legal Officer), all of whom played a crucial role in the discussions.

The meeting was led by Mr. Jerome Bezzina (Task Team Leader) and Ms. Anna Zita Metz, the (Program Officer) from the World Bank, with Dr. Ibrahim Waheed (Project Manager), Mr. Ahmed Haleem (Communications Specialist) and Ms. Fathmath Shafa Hussain, (Project Officer) represented the D’MADD Project.

15 Oct 2023

Mission Kickoff Meeting: World Bank and Finance Ministry Officials Convene with Stakeholders for D’MADD Project

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, has initiated the implementation and support mission for the D’MADD Project, scheduled for October 2023. Leading this mission are Mr. Jerome Bezzina, the Task Team Leader, and Ms. Anna Zita Metz, the Program Officer from the World Bank, who play crucial roles in the project.

Despite initial challenges, the mission was pleased to acknowledge the successful establishment of the Project Management Unit (PMU). The performance of the new PMU has been deemed satisfactory, considering the short time it has been in existence. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry also confirmed that the PMU is making progress without any critical issues. However, the mission expressed concerns about potential institutional changes due to the upcoming political transition. The impact of these changes on the project remains uncertain, but the team believes that the project will continue as its objectives and components align with the priorities of the incoming administration.

Mr. Ibrahim Rishad, the Operations Officer from the World Bank, attended the kickoff. From the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Aminath Nashia, the Resource Mobilization Executive; Mr. Mohamed Jilau Moosa, the Finance & Resource Mobilization Specialist; and Ms. Fathimath Saeed, the Public Development Economist, were present.

Representing the stakeholder organisations, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa, the Permanent Secretary, attended on behalf of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology (MoECCT) and the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT). Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, the Chief Executive, represented the Communications Authority of Maldives, while Mr. Mohamed Riznee, the Director General, represented the Department of National Registration.

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager; Mr. Ahmed Haleem, the Communications Specialist; and Ms. Fathmath Shafa Hussain, the Project Officer, represented the D’MADD Project.

14 Oct 2023

The World Bank Mission team holds discussions with D’MADD PMU prior to mission kickoff

The World Bank mission meets with the D’MADD PMU team for its implementation and support visit to the Maldives this October. The teams talked about the mission proceedings and geared up for the upcoming meeting with stakeholders and the site visit of the Fuvahmulah City.

The Mission team consisted of Task team Leader Mr Jerome and Ms. Anna Zita Metz, the Program Officer from the World Bank.

Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager; Mr. Ahmed Haleem, the Communications Specialist; Ms. Ahlam Abdul Sattar, Finance Management Specialist, Ms. Shama Ahmed Rasheed, Procurement Specialist and Ms. Fathmath Shafa Hussain, the Project Officer, represented the D’MADD Project.

14 Oct 2023

Winners of the Baikulhabai Competition gets to experience environmental conservation, first hand!

In an exciting turn of events, the victorious team of the "BAIKULHA BAI" competition, held as part of the Maldives Ocean Hackathon, was recently treated to a unique experience at the Marine Conservation Centre at CROSSROADS Maldives. This extraordinary opportunity, granted to the winning team, unfolded as part of the ongoing hype surrounding the ocean hackathon events.

Contrary to initial perceptions that CROSSROADS might be just another human-made island project impacting existing marine ecosystems, the visit to the Marine Conservation Centre revealed a different narrative. The meticulous efforts undertaken before the project's commencement and the successful preservation of the marine ecosystem were evident during the team's exploration.

Mr. Aladin Pakbara, the Leader of the Sustainable Development Team at CROSSROADS Maldives, presented a comprehensive history of the project's development. The Marine Discovery Centre, a pioneering vision, spearheads coral propagation initiatives, emphasizing conservation issues and showcasing the breathtaking beauty of local wildlife.

Equipped with a marine biology laboratory, coral propagation facilities, and a clownfish release program, the Marine Discovery Centre offers interactive activities such as tuna discovery scuba diving, snorkeling, coral nursery exploration, and marine conservation programs. The experience promises to captivate both adults and children alike.

Coral propagation through fragmentation emerged as a focal point, highlighting its significance in the conservation of damaged coral reefs, particularly crucial in the Maldives where eco-tourism relies heavily on healthy coral ecosystems. The threat of coral bleaching due to rising sea temperatures looms large, posing a challenge to the Maldives' coral reefs, which serve as a magnet for tourists engaging in activities like diving and snorkelling. During their visit, the winning team gained hands-on experience planting corals in the laboratory set up at the centre, deepening their understanding of marine conservation efforts.

16 Oct 2023

Maldives Ocean Hackathon 2023: Environmental Innovation Takes Center Stage

The Maldives witnessed a groundbreaking event as the Maldives Ocean Hackathon 2023 unfolded at Crossroads Maldives from the 15th to the 17th of October. This unique initiative brought together environmental champions and tech innovators for a common cause – preserving the pristine marine ecosystems and combating climate change. The event was organized by the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization & Diversification (DMADD) project, implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology, and funded by the World Bank.

A Confluence of Environmental Champions and Tech Minds

Ten teams from a pool of 21 applications were shortlisted to participate in the Maldives Ocean Hackathon, a 48-hour sprint of creativity and innovation. The event provided a platform for the Environmental Champions to collaborate closely with brilliant tech minds, making it a pioneering effort in the Maldives.
The teams took part in various self-development activities, guided by mentors with backgrounds in environmental science. The facilitator of the hackathon, Sparkhub, conducted mentoring sessions on ideation, product development, and pitching of ideas.

The Winning Innovations

UDHA by Team MSRO - 1st Place

The winning app “UDHA” was presented by the Maldives Space Research Organisation (MSRO). UDHA helps us understand the potential impact of disasters, where flooding will be most severe and which areas and communities will be most affected. This is done by helping us understand land deformation in our islands down to a millimeter level using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR). UDHA shows the benefits space technology such as SAR can offer to the Maldives in solving our most pressing issues faced by the population.

cliMVatch - 2nd Place

cliMVatch, the second-place winner, developed an innovative app a web application designed for the Maldives, offers a comprehensive view of climate data utilizing the long-term historical data collected by the Maldives Meteorological Services. Users can select locations and specific dates to explore historical climate information, including daily, weekly, and annual averages. Interactive wind rose diagrams provide insights into seasonal variations in wind patterns, benefiting industries such as tourism and marine activities. CliMVatch also dives into decadal variations, supporting long-term planning and climate resilience. The app serves as a versatile decision support tool for a range of users, from designers and planners to tourists and stakeholders. With real-time updates, CliMVatch ensures users stay informed and prepared for the unique climate challenges in the Maldives.

Veshi Rakka - 3rd Place

Project VeshiRakka is designed to be online portal, to address coastal erosion issues in low-lying nations like the Maldives. During the recent Ocean Hackathon, a specialized AI model was created to calculate island areas when coordinates and photos are provided whether from a satellite or drone, and future plans include incorporating crowdsourcing. This model performs well with unsupervised data and tracks registered sites. Once we have enough data, the model will enable central and local governments to allocate resources effectively in areas that need it most.
The project seeks to eliminate discrepancies in the reported number of islands in Maldives by providing a comprehensive solution once fully developed. While coastal erosion is the initial focus, it has broader ambitions, including monitoring island vegetation, reef health, biosphere analysis, predictions, and more. Ultimately, the system is planned to be decentralized, marking a significant advancement in comprehensive environmental monitoring.


The Maldives Ocean Hackathon was made possible through the support of various partners and sponsors. Dhiraagu provided each team with a broadband package to continue their product development efforts. Microsoft offered credits of $150,000 towards Azure OpenAI Services and post-hackathon support by mentors and engineers.
The Maldives Islamic Bank, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology, generously contributed to the event by offering the second and third-place prizes. International partners Microsoft and X Prize also played crucial roles in ensuring the hackathon's success.

A Pioneering Step in Combating Climate Change

The Maldives Ocean Hackathon 2023 has been a landmark event, reflecting the Maldives' commitment to combat climate change and preserve its pristine marine ecosystems for future generations. By bringing together innovative tech solutions and a passion for environmental preservation, the hackathon stands as a beacon of hope for the Maldives' sustainable future.

24 Sep 2023

PMU organised a mini-ideation bootcamp, ‘Baikulhabai’, targeting 9th-grade students across the greater Male’ region as part of the Maldives Ocean Hackathon

In a dynamic prelude to the upcoming Maldives Ocean Hackathon, the PMU organised a mini-ideation bootcamp, ‘Baikulhabai’, targeting 9th-grade students across the greater Male’ region as part of the Maldives Ocean Hackathon aimed to instil an entrepreneurial mindset in aspiring innovators. The event was facilitated by the SparkHub. Baikulhabai, a hands-on Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop, kickstarted the ideation process for 50 students, fostering creative idea generation and team collaboration. The students, representing different schools, quickly formed teams, igniting their passion for innovation. The students achieved remarkable milestones in a mere 3-hour, gaining fresh perspectives, and honing They achieved remarkable milestones in a mere 3-hour critical thinking skills.

The session concluded with students presenting their ideas to a panel including Mr. Ajwad Musthafa, the Permanent Secretary of MoECCT, and Mr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager of DMADD. Despite the challenging experience, the young innovators demonstrated unwavering determination and resilience, showcasing immense potential and brilliant ideas.

Avas Drone Service (A.D.S) emerged as the standout innovators, securing the top spot with their groundbreaking concept focused on providing life-saving medical assistance in remote areas during emergencies. The team's pivot from a jetpack to a drone exemplified effective knowledge application gained through mentoring. The winning team earned an exclusive invitation to the prestigious Maldives Ocean Hackathon, as well as a visit to experience the Crossroad Maldives’ Marine Discovery Centre.

19 Sep 2023

DMADD Empowers Future Innovators with Second Ask Me Anything Workshop

In a dedicated effort to cultivate innovation and engage the next generation of problem-solvers, the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification (DMADD) project successfully hosted its second Ask Me Anything (AMA) workshop. Tailored for research students of Higher Education Institutes in the Maldives, the event marked a significant stride in the ongoing preparations for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon.

The AMA workshop, held at Villa College QI Campus, brought together over 50 participants from various Higher Education Institutes across the Maldives. The primary objective was to equip research students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and insights to enhance their success in the upcoming Maldives Ocean Hackathon, a pivotal initiative by the DMADD project.
As the AMA session for the tech community, the panel of experts for this session included Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager, of DMADD; Mr. Zammath Kaleel, Grants Manager of Tetra Tech; Ms. Muhusina Abdul Rahman, Director at the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology; Mr.Ajwad Musthafa - Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Dr. Nashwan Matheen - Maldives Space Research Organization; and Mr. Ali Shareef - Tetra Tech.

The workshop featured interactive sessions where participants had the opportunity to engage directly with experts from the DMADD project. The sessions covered a range of topics, from innovation methodologies to sustainable solutions for ocean-related challenges. Participants enthusiastically seized the chance to delve into discussions, seeking guidance and exchanging ideas to fuel their preparations for the hackathon.

The Second Ask Me Anything workshop was a resounding success, setting a positive tone for the upcoming Maldives Ocean Hackathon. The event showcased the commitment of the DMADD project to empower and inspire the next generation of innovators who are crucial to addressing the challenges faced by the Maldivian oceans.

As the AMA workshop concludes, the momentum continues to build for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon. The engagement and enthusiasm witnessed among the participants are indicative of a thriving community ready to contribute innovative solutions for a sustainable and resilient future.

Stay tuned for more updates as the DMADD project unfolds its initiatives, guiding aspiring innovators towards creating impactful solutions for the unique challenges faced by the Maldives' oceans.

16 Sep 2023

D’MADD Project award contract to CROSSROADS Maldives as event venue to host the Maldives Ocean Hackathon!

D’MADD Project award contract to CROSSROADS Maldives as event venue to host the Maldives Ocean Hackathon! Crossroads Maldives will provide the venue, refreshments and logistics to the Hackathon.

12 Sep 2023

Pre-hackathon workshop: Ask Me Anything session held for the Maldivian tech community.

The vibrant Maldivian tech community has come together with some of the experts tirelessly safeguarding the fragile Maldivian ecosystem for future generations. Paving the way for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon, dedicated to tackling the pressing environmental challenges of climate change, an interactive session unfolded before the Maldivian tech community today, 13th September 2023. This "Ask Me Anything" session was aimed to elucidate the challenges outlined in the 2023 hackathon, to be held from October 15th to 17th.

The session commenced with an icebreaker activity spearheaded by the Hackathon's co-facilitator, Aishath Adnan, COO of Spark Hub, fostering a friendly and relaxed atmosphere for participants and potential teams to seek clarity on any uncertainties. A distinguished panel of experts: Ajwadh Musthafa, Permanent Secretary of the MoECCT; Dr Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager, Digital Maldives Project; Zammath Khaleel, Grants Manager, Tetra Tech; Muhusina Abdhuh Rahman, Senior Conservation Officer; Enas Mohamed, Senior Environment Analyst; Akram Waheed, Director, Utility Regulatory Authority took part in the session. These experts from diverse backgrounds: marine protection and conservation, climate change, sustainable energy, and technology stood ready to field queries and offer clarifications.
At the heart of the hackathon lies the ambition to nurture collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving. By fostering an environment that encourages policymakers, civil society representatives, private sector players, and multidisciplinary experts to unite and share their insights and expertise, this event aspires to catalyse groundbreaking solutions for the unique climate challenges confronting the Maldives.

The Maldives Ocean Hackathon is organised by the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization and Diversification (DMADD) project at the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology and funded by the World Bank. Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun plc (DHIRAAGU), Crossroads Maldives, Villa College, Nooraajje program, and Public Service Media (PSM) have joined with the ministry to ensure the triumph of this event. Furthermore, international partners Microsoft and X PRIZE support the hackathon's endeavours.

29 Aug 2023

Maldives Ocean Hackathon Launched with US$10,000 Prize to Tackle Climate Change Challenges

In a initiative aimed at addressing the critical environmental challenges posed by climate change, the "Maldives Ocean Hackathon" was officially inaugurated today by the Minister of Environment Climate Change and Technology, Ms. Aminath Shauna. The event, which promises a winning prize of US$10,000, marks a significant milestone in the nation's fight against the imminent dangers faced by low-lying island nations, particularly those with vulnerable marine ecosystems like the Maldives.

The Maldives Ocean Hackathon is organized by the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization & Diversification (DMADD) project, implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology and funded by the World Bank. This initiative represents a significant step forward in the Maldives' commitment to combating climate change and preserving its pristine marine ecosystems for future generations.

During her inaugural speech, Minister Aminath Shauna highlighted the urgency of tackling climate change-related issues promptly and effectively. She emphasized the crucial role of routinely collected environmental data in shaping informed policies. However, she acknowledged the formidable challenge of collecting such data due to the time and effort required by staff.

The minister underscored that digital technology offers a solution to this challenge, and the Maldives Ocean Hackathon represents a pivotal moment in merging the mandates of climate change and technology under one government roof. This hackathon serves as a platform for innovators to develop practical solutions to safeguard the Maldives' unique environment. The Special Envoy for Climate Change at the President’s Office, Ms. Sabra Ibrahim Nooradeen, along with other key government officials attended the event.

Minister of State, Mohamed Shareef, provided further details about the event during the inauguration ceremony. In his presentation, Mr. Shareef explained the vision behind the hackathon and presented the key challenges of the 2023 Hackathon. The Maldives Ocean Hackathon is scheduled to take place from October 15th to October 17th, 2023, at Crossroads Maldives. The event will run continuously for 48 hours, bringing together 10 teams, each comprising 3 to 4 members.

Teams interested in participating can register on the official website,, with the registration deadline set for September 30th, 2023.

The success of the Maldives Ocean Hackathon is made possible through the collaborative efforts of various partners. Dhivehi Raajjege Gulhun PLC (Dhiraagu), Crossroads Maldives, Villa College, Nooraaje Program, and Public Service Media (PSM) have joined hands with the Ministry to ensure the event's success. Additionally, international partners Microsoft and X Prize are providing valuable support to the hackathon.

29 Aug 2023

Maldives Ocean Hackathon Inauguration Event

12 Aug 2023

DMADD Project award contract to Spark Hub LLC to develop the concept, organize and conduct The Maldives Ocean Hackathon

In a significant stride toward addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change in the Maldives, the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification (DMADD) Project, under the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, funded by The World Bank, has awarded a contract Spark Hub LLC to organize "The Maldives Ocean Hackathon".

Scheduled to unfold from October 15th to 17th, 2023, The Maldives Ocean Hackathon is set to be a three-day event, with a continuous 48-hour hackathon at its heart. This innovative initiative aspires to assemble a diverse range of experts and practitioners in the fields of digital emerging technologies, climate change, ocean science, da-ta science, and technology to tackle the pressing issues confronting the Maldives due to climate change.

At the core of the Hackathon is the aim to foster collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving. By facilitating an environment where policymakers, civil society, private sector actors, and experts from various domains can come together and pool their ideas and expertise, this event seeks to catalyze the development of groundbreaking solu-tions that address the unique climate challenges faced by the Maldives.

The Maldives, renowned for its breathtaking oceanic landscapes, has been increasingly affected by climate change, including rising sea levels, coral reef degradation, and extreme weather events. The Maldives Ocean Hackathon aims to position the Maldives as a leader in ocean conservation and sustainable development by harnessing the power of technology and innovation.

Participating teams will be challenged with creating innovative prototypes designed to mitigate the impacts of cli-mate change on the Maldivian environment. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, the event promises to facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge among a diverse group of stakeholders.

The collaboration aims to leverage the expertise of Spark Hub LLC, a renowned player in the field of fostering startups and innovation, to maximize the outcomes of the hackathon and drive positive change in the Maldives.

As the world grapples with the urgent need for climate solutions, The Maldives Ocean Hackathon emerges as a beacon of hope, fostering cooperation, innovation, and progress in the realm of climate adaptation and sustainable development.

Stay tuned for updates as The Maldives Ocean Hackathon approaches and watch as a nation rises to the challenge of safeguarding its pristine oceans and vibrant ecosystem against the backdrop of climate change.

20 Aug 2023

DMADD project explores areas of collaboration with King Abdulla University of Science and Technology

The DMADD team, represented by Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager and Task Team leader and Ms. Anna Metz, Digital Development Specialist, meets with Dr. Burton H. Jones from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ( KAUST) and Red Sea Research Center. The meeting was centred around how the KAUST university can support the DMADD project, especially in supporting the Planned Maldives Ocean Hackathon. Additionally, discussions were held on collaboration in terms of capacity building that supports the establishment of the climate data platform, including underwater drone technology and other areas of capacity building, as a possibility of a study tour to the Red Sea Research Centre.

22 Jul 2023

DMADD Explores Collaboration with Villa College Institute of Research and Innovation for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon

The D'MADD project team initiates conversation with VILLA COLLEGE IRI to partner for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon to be conducted this year. Dr. Fazeela, Deputy Dean, Villa College Institute for Research and Innovation represented VC and DMADD project was represented by the Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed and the Communications Specialist Mr. Ahmed Haleem.

Villa College agreed to provide their venue to carry out the preliminary workshops, as well as if needed collaboration with the IRI for further research should the hackathon teams wants to continue with further product development.

17 Jul 2023

DMADD Team Collaborates with X Prize to Elevate Maldives Ocean Hackathon

In a groundbreaking move towards fostering innovation for ocean conservation, DMADD team recently held a crucial meeting with Mr. Peter Houlihan from X Prize, exploring avenues for collaboration on the upcoming Maldives Ocean Hackathon.

The meeting, attended by Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the project manager, and Mr. Ahmed Haleem, communications specialist representing the DMADD project, aimed to discuss how X Prize could play a pivotal role in organizing and supporting the Maldives Ocean Hackathon.

X Prize, with its mission to "inspire and empower humanity to achieve breakthroughs that accelerate an abundant and equitable future for all," is renowned for driving innovation through competitions and supporting projects that align with their vision. The organization envisions a world where everyone has access to essentials such as clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, effective learning, top-tier medical care, and non-polluting, abundant energy.

During the meeting, the DMADD team and Mr. Houlihan discussed potential areas of collaboration, focusing on how X Prize could contribute its expertise to the Maldives Ocean Hackathon. The discussion centered around the support X Prize could provide not only during the hackathon itself but also in terms of post-hackathon assistance, ensuring that the ideas generated during the event can be transformed into impactful solutions for ocean conservation.

The meeting concluded with an agreement to reconvene in the near future to delve deeper into the specifics of collaboration. Both parties expressed enthusiasm about the potential synergy between DMADD's objectives and X Prize's mission. The willingness to work together towards a common goal reflects a shared commitment to making a positive impact on ocean conservation.

The partnership between DMADD and X Prize marks a significant step forward in leveraging innovation for ocean conservation, setting the stage for a future where breakthroughs transform possibilities into realities for a more abundant and equitable world.

21 Jul 2023

DMADD Explores Collaboration with Dhiraagu for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon

The D'MADD project team initiates conversation with DHIRAAGU PLC to partner for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon to be conducted this year. Ms. Bishara Hameed, Manager Corporate Responsibility represented Dhiraagu PLC and DMADD project was represented by the Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed and the Communications Specialist Mr. Ahmed Haleem.

Dhiraagu PLC will be providing technical assistance for the mentors and judging panel and also will offer internet connectivity free for one year for the top 3 winners.

08 Jun 2023

DMADD Explores Collaboration with Maldives Islamic Bank for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon

The D'MADD project team has initiated a conversation with Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) PLC to partner for the Maldives Ocean Hackathon to be conducted this year. Mr. Neerain Jaleel, Head of Marketing, represented MIB PLC, and the DMADD project was represented by the Project Manager, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed and the Communications Specialist, Mr. Ahmed Haleem.

MIB PLC will be providing mentors and judging panel along with cash prize for the second and third place winners.

10 May 2023

DMADD Explores Collaboration with IEEE for Maldives Ocean Hackathon

In the efforts to strengthen the technological underpinning of the upcoming Maldives Ocean Hackathon, the DMADD team recently held a productive meeting with Dr. Amit Kumar, the IEEE Chapter Committee Chair of Region 10.

During the meeting, the DMADD team provided Dr. Amit Kumar with a comprehensive overview of the Maldives Ocean Hackathon, outlining the goals, objectives, and anticipated impact of the event. The hackathon, designed to foster innovative solutions for ocean-related challenges, garnered interest from IEEE, paving the way for potential collaboration.

Dr. Amit Kumar, representing IEEE, shared insights into the organization's experience in conducting hackathons and highlighted their successful track record in fostering innovation. IEEE expressed a keen interest in supporting the Maldives Ocean Hackathon, offering their expertise and resources to aid in the planning and execution of the event.

The meeting served as a platform for both parties to discuss the finer details of collaboration. IEEE's commitment to supporting the event was welcomed by the DMADD team, recognizing the value that IEEE's experience and guidance could bring to the hackathon planning process.

04 May 2023

DMADD Project Engages Microsoft for Technical Boost in Upcoming Hackathon

In a strategic move to enhance technical capabilities for an upcoming the Maldives Ocean Hackathon, the DMADD Team convened with a team from Microsoft. The meeting focused on exploring avenues for collaboration and harnessing Microsoft's technical expertise for the planned event they could contribute in terms of technical experience and post-hackathon support. During the discussions. This includes not only technical expertise but also post-event assistance. Microsoft expressed its willingness to facilitate the hackathon by offering mentoring and judging support. Furthermore, the tech giant committed to granting access to their cloud services specifically designed for startups, offering a valuable resource for the participants.

Stay tuned for more updates as the collaboration between DMADD and Microsoft progresses, paving the way for a hackathon that not only encourages innovation but also provides participants with the tools and guidance needed to turn their ideas into impactful solutions.

Minister of State, Mohamed Shareef, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed lead the discussion from the Ministry while, Mr. Harsha Rendeny, Digital Transformational Expert and Lorena Paglia, Data and AI Global Business Programs and Operations Lead at Microsoft lead the Microsoft Team in an online.

06 Mar 2023

The World Bank Team meets the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture

Mr. Jérôme Bezzina, Senior Digital Development Specialist and task team leader for the DMADD project met with key officials representing the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Marine Resources Sectors of the Maldives. The objectives of the DMADD project were communicated to the team representing members from the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources, and Agriculture and the Maldives Marine Research Institute. The technical experts acknowledged the importance of sharing data among government organizations and how the Climate Data Platform proposed in the DMADD can aid the functions of Government organizations and NGOs in the agriculture and fisheries sector.

The Sector was represented by:

Mr. Adam Ziyad - Director General, Fisheries Department (MoFMRA)
Ms. Maleeha Haleem - Director, Fisheries Department (MoFMRA)
Ms. Shafiya Naeem -Director General (MMRI),
Ms. Kadheeja Ali -Senior Research Officer (MMRI)

06 Mar 2023

High Level meeting with key Policy makers from the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology

Mr. Jérôme Bezzina, Senior Digital Development Specialist and task team leader for the DMADD project met with Senior officials of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology to brief them on the Mission findings. The meeting was attended by Honorable Minister Ms. Aminath Shauna, Minister of State Dr. Abdulla Naseer, Minister of State Ms. Khadeeja Naseem, and the Permanent Secretary Mr. Ajwad Musthafa.

During the meeting, Mr. Bezzina presented the mission findings, highlighting key observations, achievements, challenges, and recommendations. The briefing covered various aspects related to the DMADD project. The meeting provided a platform for open dialogue and constructive discussions, allowing the ministry officials and the DMADD project team to align strategies, exchange ideas, and explore opportunities for collaboration. The presence of high-level representatives from both sides demonstrated the commitment and shared responsibility in advancing the DMADD project's goals.

Project Manager Dr. Ibrahim Waheed and Communications Specialist Mr. Ahmed Haleem represented the DMADD PMU Team.

05 Mar 2023

The World Bank Team Briefs Ministry of Finance on Mission Findings

Mr. Jérôme Bezzina, the Senior Digital Development Specialist and task team leader for the DMADD project, recently held a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Finance to provide a comprehensive briefing on the findings of the mission. The meeting brought together key stakeholders, including the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager, and Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, the Chief Executive of the Communications Authority of Maldives.

Representing the Ministry of Finance were Deputy Minister Ms. Mariyam Manarath Muneer, Chief Resource Mobilization Executive Mr. Mohamed Yammai, and Resource Mobilization Executive Ms. Aishath Nashath. The meeting aimed to present and discuss the mission findings and their implications for the DMADD project.

During the briefing, Mr. Bezzina shared key insights and recommendations based on the mission's assessment, highlighting the progress, challenges, and opportunities identified thus far. The meeting provided a platform for constructive discussions on financial considerations, resource mobilization, and potential collaborations between the Ministry of Finance and the DMADD project.

The presence of high-level representatives from both the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology and the Ministry of Finance demonstrated the commitment and shared responsibility in advancing the DMADD project. The meeting served as an important step towards aligning strategies, streamlining financial processes, and ensuring effective coordination between key stakeholders.

As the DMADD project moves forward, the insights gained from this meeting will contribute to strengthening partnerships and creating a solid foundation for successful project implementation. The collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and the DMADD project team is expected to unlock further opportunities for sustainable financing and accelerate progress towards climate resilience in the Maldives.

05 Mar 2023

The World bank mission and the DMADD team, met with Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM)

The World Bank mission and the DMADD team, met with the Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM) to discuss the actions to provide support as per component 1.1, “Enabling environment for improved digital connectivity and competitiveness”. The DMADD project will support CAM by providing Technical Assistance, capacity building, and provision of equipment that will support regulatory enforcement.

Mr. Jérôme Bezzina, Senior Digital Development Specialist and task team leader for the DMADD project, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager, Mr. Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist and Mohamed Sharif Ahmed, Project Coordinator from the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT) represented the Ministry while, The Communications Authority of Maldives was represented by Chief Executive, Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, Deputy Director General, Mr. Mohamed Siraj and Deputy Director Mohamed Siraj.

04 Mar 2023

The World bank mission and the DMADD team meets with Department of National Registration (DNR).

The World Bank Task Team Participants, represented by Jérôme Bezzina, Task Team Leader and Senior Digital Development Specialist, and Anna Zita Metz, Program Officer, recently held a meeting with the Department of National Registration (DNR) as part of the DMADD project.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager, Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist from DMADD, and Mohamed Sharif Ahmed, Project Coordinator from the National Center for Information Technology (NCIT), as well as Aishath Rasheeda, Deputy Minister, and Mohamed Umair, Director from DNR.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the current state of the DNR and how the DMADD project could provide support. The meeting was an important step in the collaboration between the World Bank, DMADD, and the DNR to ensure the success of the project.

The World bank mission and the DMADD team, met with Department of National Registration (DNR). The primary objective of the meeting was to identify the potential areas where the project can provide technical assistance, capacity building and modernization of the civil registry system with provision of hardware and software, under the DMADD project

01 Mar 2023

The World bank mission and the DMADD team, met with the Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS) and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).

The World bank mission and the DMADD team, met with the Maldives Meteorological Service (MMS) and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). The officials discussed areas of collaboration that can support the implementation of the data platform which can be a key asset to the disaster management efforts of the Maldives and how data resources of MMS can contribute to NDMA via the platform.

01 Mar 2023

Meeting held with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding Digital technologies and data platform for climate resilience.

The World Bank mission and the DMADD team, met with the Environment Protection Agency (EPA). The senior officials from EPA met the DMADD PMU and the World Bank Team and discussed areas of collaboration that can support the implementation of the data platform and the Pilot Projects. EPA expressed its interest to use the technologies demonstrated in the December 2022 workshop, to remotely monitor a current project to revive a near by reef which was damaged due to a ship grounding.

01 Mar 2023

World Bank Mission Team Collaborates with Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology to Advance DMADD Project

The World Bank mission team recently conducts another highly productive meeting with officials from the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology as part of their ongoing implementation support mission for the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification (DMADD) project. The meeting aimed to foster collaboration and discuss strategies for leveraging digital data and technologies for climate resilience.

Led by Mr. Jérôme Bezzina, Senior Digital Development Specialist and task team leader for the DMADD project, along with Ms. Anna Zita Metz, Program Officer, the World Bank mission team engaged with a team of officials from the Ministry. This team consisted of Ms. Miruza Mohamed, Director of Environment Management, Senior Conservation Officers Ms. Muhsina Abdul Rahman and Ms. Lisama Sabry, and Environmental Analyst Ms. Rayya Hussain.

During the meeting, participants reflected on the success of the "Unlocking the power of digital data & technologies for climate resilience" workshop held in December 2022. They explored the formulation of pilot projects that could harness the technologies demonstrated during the workshop, aiming to enhance climate resilience in the Maldives.

Representatives from the DMADD Project Management Unit (PMU), including Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager, and Mr. Ahmed Haleem, the Communications Specialist, were also present at the meeting. Additionally, Fathimath Zameela, a Senior Software Engineer from the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT), participated in the meeting, providing valuable insights and technical expertise.

As the implementation of the DMADD project continues, it is expected to bring about transformative changes and establish a solid foundation for utilizing digital innovations to combat climate change and ensure a sustainable future for the Maldives.

28 Feb 2023

Meeting held with the National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT) regarding Digital technologies and data platform for climate resilience

The World Bank mission team concluded a productive meeting with officials from The National Centre for Information Technology (NCIT) as part of their ongoing support for the implementation of the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification (DMADD) project. The mission team, led by Mr. Jérôme Bezzina, Senior Digital Development Specialist and task team leader for the DMADD project, along with Ms. Anna Zita Metz, Program Officer, engaged in discussions with Minister of State for Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Mr. Mohamed Shareef.

During the meeting, Minister of State, Mr. Shareef, provided valuable insights into the broader vision of the DMADD project's components related to climate resilience and expressed ideas on how digital technologies can be harnessed for the cause. His expertise and insights further enriched the discussions, focusing on the technical aspects of the project and its successful implementation. Additionally, he also shared updates on the progress of data protection legislation and other legal and policy enablers and safeguards for data sharing.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the DMADD Project Management Unit (PMU), including Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, the Project Manager, and Mr. Ahmed Haleem, the Communications Specialist.

Among the NCIT participants were Fathimath Zameela, a Senior Software Engineer, and Mohamed Sharif Ahmed, the Project Coordinator.

The World Bank mission team expressed their appreciation for the collaboration and the progress made thus far. The meeting served as a platform to strengthen partnerships and accelerate the DMADD project's implementation, which aims to leverage digital technologies and data platforms to enhance climate resilience in the region.

This meeting is part of the implementation support mission for the DMADD project, which took place from February 27 to March 8, 2022. As the DMADD project continues to gain momentum, it is expected to make significant contributions to the field of climate resilience and establish a robust framework for leveraging digital technologies in addressing environmental challenges.

28 Feb 2023

Meeting held with the Maldives Land Survey Authority (MLSA) regarding Digital technologies and data platform for climate resilience

As part of a World Bank mission, a significant meeting took place between the World Bank representatives and the Maldives Land Survey Authority (MLSA) to discuss MLSA's role in utilizing and providing climate-relevant data. The participants included Ahmed Shainu, Director of the land section, and Mohamed Hafiz, Assistant Director of the Mapping Unit, representing MLSA.

Other notable participants in the meeting were Fathimath Zameela, Senior Software Engineer from NCIT; Anna Zita Metz, Program Officer from the World Bank Task Team; Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager; and Mr. Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist, both from DMADD PMU.

The meeting primarily focused on two key topics: MLSA's involvement in offering and utilizing climate-related data, with a follow-up from a workshop held in December, and the identification of opportunities and challenges for collaboration and data sharing among different agencies.

This meeting is part of the implementation support mission for the DMADD project, which is scheduled to take place from February 27 to March 8, 2022. The collaboration between MLSA and the World Bank aims to strengthen the utilization of climate data for effective decision-making and sustainable development initiatives.

28 Feb 2023

Meeting held with Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS) regarding digital technologies and data platform for climate resilience

During the meeting, the following topics were discussed:

The role of the Maldives Bureau of Statistics in providing and utilizing climate-related data, building on discussions from a previous workshop held in December.
Identifying opportunities and addressing challenges for collaboration and data sharing among different agencies.

Key participants included Aishath Hassan, Chief Statistician, Aishath Shahuda, Deputy Chief Statistician, Aishath Shazna, Statistician from the Maldives Bureau of Statistics.

Anna Zita Metz, Program Officer from the World Bank Task Team attended the meeting with Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Project Manager, and Mr. Ahmed Haleem, Communications Specialist from DMADD PMU along with Ms. Fathimath Zameela, Senior Software Engineer from NCIT

The meeting was part of the implementation support mission for the DMADD project and took place from February 27 to March 8, 2022.

27 Feb 2023

World Bank and DMADD PMU teams hold introductory meeting and mission briefing

The World Bank Task Team Participants, represented by Anna Zita Metz, Program Officer, recently held an introductory meeting with the DMADD PMU participants. The PMU team, consisting of Project Manager (PM) Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Finance Management Specialist Ms. Ahlam Abdul Sattar, Procurement Specialist Shama Ahmed Rasheed, and Communications Specialist Mr. Ahmed Haleem, was briefed on the current progress of the DMADD project.

During the meeting, Anna explained the result matrices from the Project Appraisal Document, and subsequent meetings for the mission were planned to be carried out between February 27 and March 8, 2022. The meeting was an important step in the collaboration between the World Bank and the DMADD PMU team and laid the groundwork for successful implementation of the project.

26 Feb 2023

World Bank team arrives in Maldives to support implementation of DMADD project

A team from the World Bank, consisting of Jérôme Bezzina (Task Team Leader, Senior Digital Development Specialist) and Anna Zita Metz (Program Officer), has arrived in the Maldives to conduct an implementation support mission for the DMADD project. The mission is scheduled to take place from February 27 to March 8, 2022.

During their visit, the team will hold technical discussions with implementing agencies and stakeholders to assess progress and identify support needs related to the project components. The DMADD project aims to support stakeholder organizations in the Maldives through digital innovation, and the World Bank team's mission is an important step towards achieving this objective.

15 Feb 2023

Establishment of the Project Management Team

The work of the Project Management Unit established for the DMADD project commenced officially with the joining of the Project Manager. The recruitment process of the remaining members of the team was done shortly and the team will commence work on full capacity by 19th of March 2023.

Minister of State for Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Mr. Mohamed Shareef met with the DMADD PMU team to share the vision of Digital Maldives and how the project will support the government Digital Agenda.

The PMU Team for the DMADD Project consists of the Project Manager, Dr. Ibrahim Waheed, Finance Management Specialist, Ms. Ahlam Abdul Sattar, Ms. Procurement Specialist, Shama Ahmed Rasheed, and Communications Specialist, Mr. Ahmed Haleem.

07 Feb 2023

Maldives is turning to digital innovations to tackle climate change.

In her co-authored blog post, the Maldives' Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, H.E Ms. Aminath Shauna, sheds light on the transformative measures being taken by the nation to address climate change through digital innovations. As a low-lying island nation heavily impacted by rising sea levels, the Maldives is proactively adopting sustainable solutions to protect its environment and ensure socio-economic stability. Minister Shauna emphasizes the Maldives' commitment to leveraging digital technologies for climate resilience, including climate-smart infrastructure and the utilization of big data and predictive analytics. By harnessing these innovations, the Maldives is not only safeguarding its future but also inspiring other nations to embrace technology as a powerful tool in the fight against climate change.

03 Dec 2022

Unlocking the Power of Digital Data & Technologies for Climate Resilience

A two-day strategy and learning workshop to support the deployment of digital data technologies and tools for climate action, jointly convened by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology and the World Bank has begun at Kurumba Maldives.

03 Jul 2022

The Government of the Republic of Maldives and the World Bank have signed a financing agreement for the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification Project.

Today, the Government of the Republic of Maldives and the World Bank have signed a financing agreement for the Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification Project. The agreement, worth SDR 7,300,000 (equivalent to US$10,000,000 or MVR 154,200,000), aims to improve the competitiveness of the broadband market, enhance identification for in-person and online service delivery, and leverage digital technologies, data, and analytics for climate resilience.

Minister of Finance, Mr. Ibrahim Ameer, signed the agreement on behalf of the Maldives government, while Mr. Faris H. Hadad-Zervos, the World Bank Country Director for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, signed on behalf of the Bank. Senior officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology also attended the ceremony.

The Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization, and Diversification Project will strengthen the legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks for broadband internet connectivity and infrastructure, data governance, and the digital economy. This includes boosting the capacity of the Communication Authority of Maldives and the National Centre for Information Technology to improve Internet connectivity for people, businesses, and government across islands.

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology will implement the project. This agreement is a significant step towards enhancing the digital infrastructure of the Maldives and achieving its long-term sustainable development goals.

Project Team